Sunday, July 15, 2007

The typhoon lasted all night last night, but thankfully both Nappa (who finally came into the house after I picked her up and brought her in) and I were able to sleep pretty well throughout the night. I awoke this morning to find sunlight blaring into my eyes. I got up and after a quick glance outside, grabbed my camera and rode my bike down the long driveway to a road where I would have a better view. The view after the typhoon was spectacular. And sadly its hard to capture the beauty with just photos. But here they are nonetheless.

First, the house after weathering the storm, unscathed and glowing in the morning sun.

A view from the end of the driveway, gazing out across the houses, rice fields, mountains and
contrasting sky. The air feels wonderful this morning.

A view going up the driveway to the house, note the sharp constrast in the sky between the dark rainclouds and the white...normal.... clouds. Very pretty.

Again, gazing out across the western part of Awaji Island where I am at the moment. Stunning (at least I think so).

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